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Terms and Conditions

Abuse Policy

Every Domainbox customer agrees to comply with the terms and conditions listed on our terms and conditions page.

We take the enforcement of all terms and conditions seriously, and we aim to run a clean network which operates on fair principles. We also investigate all reports of abuse.

What is abuse?

If you encounter something you think might constitute abuse (for example, spam or inappropriate content) which you believe has come from our network or systems, please read through the information on this page carefully. It explains how you can report it. Please note that complaints are tracked by our team for the purposes of improving anti-abuse processes and threat mitigation.

This policy covers the following types of abuse on the internet:

  • Spam
  • Hacking attempts
  • IRC activity
  • Phishing
  • Web space abuse

We work to minimise the amount of abuse that is generated on our servers. You can help us by reporting any abuse you spot which you believe has come from the Domainbox network.

Please report all abuse through our abuse form. Please include as much information as you can about the type of abuse you've encountered. Please also provide log files (if applicable), URLs for site abuse and email headers for spamming.

Once we've received your email, we'll investigate the issue thoroughly, contact any relevant customers and work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Complaints Policy

We are committed to ensuring our customers receive a high standard of service. We also appreciate that, with a large customer base, sometimes issues arise that need to be addressed. Your comments are important to us. We rely on feedback from our customers to identify the root causes of complaints. This allows us to put things right for you and ensure improvements are made. We aim to do this quickly and efficiently, and aim to acknowledge any contacts within 4 working hours of receipt.

Stage 1: Contacting us

If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, then we would like to hear from you. Many outstanding issues can be resolved informally by discussing the issue with a member of staff. The support agent who deals with your query will aim to resolve any outstanding issues and reach an amicable resolution.

Stage 2: Escalating your issue

If the agent helping you is not able to assist please ask to speak to a manager. If a manager is available they will be happy to talk to you to discuss your case. Managers are available on main working days during business core hours. Managers do however attend meetings and may not be available at that time. If a manager is not available, please provide your contact details to the agent for a call back when a manager is available.

Stage 3: Taking your complaint further

If after discussing any concerns you are dissatisfied with the response provided, or the way your issue has been dealt with, you can make a formal complaint by writing to the relevant department at the following address, detailing your account details and the outstanding complaint.

St Andrews House
West Street
GU21 6EB

Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing or via telephone within three working days of receiving the complaint. An investigation will be carried out into the issues raised and a full response will be provided within ten working days. Where the issue is particularly complex it may take longer to respond. If this is likely, we will provide information on the action which will be taken and advise when you can expect a full response.

If, for whatever reason, you are unhappy with the response you receive from us, please contact the person or department who handled your complaint.