Resell Domain Names

At Domainbox, we are committed to making the very best and most popular domain names available to you. We are directly accredited and offer full support for all generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) and hundreds of country code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs).

Domain Name Registrar

Become a domain name registrar today with our API.

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Domain Name Extensions

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Domain Name Transfers

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Domain Name Back Orders

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Domain Name Privacy

Enhanced Whois information is loading

Enhanced Whois

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Your Credentials

Account benefits

  • You're in safe hands. Transparent and competitive pricing plans, friendly support and worldwide experience mean that you're in safe hands. Domain Pricing »
  • Full support. Full support for ALL gTLDs and 100s of ccTLDs, multi-tier sub-reseller options and advanced transfer options. Domain Extensions »
  • It's a Fresh outlook. We're big on new domain launches and have been top of the tree for the last five years.
  • New gTLD Launches. Be part of a rapidly expanding online namespace with the launch of hundreds of exciting new domains. New gTLDs »
  • Advanced, customisable domain transfer options. Benefit from a customisable domain transfer interface, add logos and colours using CSS, transfer domains with style. Domain Transfer »
  • Premium domains. Allow your customers to buy and sell domains through our premium partner network.
  • Privacy service. Free privacy service, keep your customers' WHOis details private. Domain Privacy »
  • Enhanced WHOis. You get to choose the additional registrar information appearing on the domain WHOis. Enhanced Whois »
  • Valuable experience. We have previous experience of using trade partners so know what works and what doesn’t.
  • Access control. Define access controls as you want them – over 25 user definable roles.
  • Registry credentials. Switch to use your own registry credentials with us in seconds. Flexible 'mixed-mode' means that you can use both yours and our credentials too. Domain Registry Credentials »
  • Custom notifications for your customers Including renewal reminders, post-expiry reminders and more.
  • Domainbox EPP Use RFC standard EPP XML to conduct domain transactions with Domainbox EPP.