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New generic Top Level Domains

New gTLDs are launching now.

As part of ICANN's New gTLD program, around 1400 new gTLDs (generic Top Level Domains) will be introduced to the online namespace.

This exciting change will vastly expand the online namespace, adding to current gTLDs like .com and .net, and current Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) like .de and .co.uk. New TLDs such as .web, .london, .app and many more are set to innovate interaction and marketing online.

We make it as easy as possible for you, taking into account all domain policy and launch types, and offer full manageability for you through our own easy domain API and Admin Portal.

Worldwide, we have a proven track record in new domain launches, consistently securing the best domains for our Resellers and their customers while constantly refining and innovating our launch technologies. The advent of new gTLDs is a great opportunity for Resellers to grow your customer base and be part of the new internet.

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Launch Phases

New domain extensions will be made available through a variety of launch phases, as detailed below. Some phases will carry specific requirements while some phases will be open to the general public. For more information on launch phases, TMCH or SMD files, as mentioned below, please get in touch.

  • Sunrise Phase (SR) Trademark Holders can apply to register domain names matching their trademark during this phase before they becomes available to the general public. Multiple valid Sunrise applications received for the same domain name, will result in an auction by the registry. Applicants will be given the opportunity to bid on the domain name.
      Sunrise Trademarks, TMCH and SMD Files
    • What is TMCH? TMCH stands for Trademark Clearinghouse. Created by ICANN, the Trademark Clearinghouse verifies and authenticates contact information of Trademark Records as well as also acting as a central database for verified trademarks. Trademark Holders are required to make sure they have verified their Trademark with TMCH before making a Sunrise application.
    • SMD Files SMD files or Signed Mark Data files are required when making Sunrise applications. SMD files identify that you and your Trademark are valid for Sunrise applications. SMD files are issued by TMCH upon satisfactory verification of Trademark ownership, data and validity. Only one submission per Trademark is required. This can then be used for multiple domain Sunrise applications.
  • Landrush Phase (LR) This is a premium phase open to the general public. Generic strings, sought-after or high value domain names that are not Trademarks are usually registered during this phase. Multiple valid Landrush applications received for the same domain name will result in an auction by the registry. Applicants will be given the opportunity to bid on the domain name.
  • Early Access Program (EAP) Some domain launches will operate with an Early Access Phase. This phase takes place during the first 7 days of General Availability and allows names to be registered on a first-come, first-served basis, meaning early applications are encouraged. Registering a domain during Early Access incurs an additional fee, with this being greatest on Day 1 and decreasing for subsequent days. Each day of Early Access is set to begin at 16:00 UTC and end at 16:00 UTC the following calendar day.
  • General Availability (GA) This is the point at which domain names are available to a general public for live registration on a first-come, first-served basis, at a standard price.